How it started vs how it's going
They should put this up in every high school
What is something in golf that took you way too long to figure out?
Makes raids 4 have a tank role
Who here plays matte black or gray balls? These are loosies at my local shop.
Can we all just admire this pairing?
Bought this used, anything I can do about these dings? Sandpaper?
Was Bodybuilder Jodi Vance natural? The 20 year old just died from dehydration
Dominos doing their app icon right
Trump Set to Whack US Working Class With Historic $3,000 Tax Hike
Any tips on how to get more in to out?
Trump Halts Ukraine Aid
What does this stand For?
Went bowling on my birthday this weekend and there was a pristine ProV1x in the parking lot. There isn’t a course for miles.
What's the longest par three you've ever played?
Be careful with the Whipped Cream Cheese!
Why does this drill work so well??
Jake Knapp shoots 59 round 1 of Cognizant Classic
Great Deals at Walmart!
Anything I should tweak? The shot after this I sliced 60 feet to the right… Why am I not consistent??
What’s the worst data mess you’ve seen?
Fake Golf Pride MCC Plus4
Let’s take a break from talking tone… what brand do you think makes the best looking amps?
Today is annually my wife’s least favorite day of the year.