DAE struggle with passive suicidal thoughts, like hoping you die in your sleep instead of committing suicide?
This takes me back to childhood
Deaf people of Reddit, how do you enjoy music and how do you sign rapidly fast Eminem lyrics?
What is your favorite game to play?
DAE say kazoomtight instead of bless you when someone sneezes?
Everybody is talking about transgender and nonbinary, but what about intersex? What is the legal status of intersex persons?
Let the cat out of the bag. What have you been afraid of posting?
What did your ex ruin for you?
What’s something you did as a child that you still haven’t confessed about today?
What’s the name of your favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal?
What is something that is "common knowledge", that once you tried you realized was untrue?
What peculiar quirk do you possess?
If you could speak with Trump what would you say or discuss?
What's your favorite video game that nobody has heard of?
What is one of the best threats you have ever heard?
Letting it all hang out
Certain words has changed meanings nowadays and certain words are used in negative sense as well . Which are the ones that has surprised you the most ?
What's the freakiest thing you did today?
What is something you've seen but nobody believes you?
When did you first realize that the adults in your life didn’t know what they were doing?
Checkout this stick. It looks like a middle finger.
Why do we sometimes burp up smoke as a nonsmoker?
DAE sometimes burp up smoke?
Redditors who have sleepwalked, what are your stories?