I get that certain types of thumbnails generate views on YouTube but….on this episode? Really?
Tarkov friends met up and camped/shot long range for 4 days. Hiked, tested DOPE, learned wind calls & used comms.
Any ideas on what buis to add to the back of my CASV-M rail?
I feel like we need a sub or a day for non AR clones.
The next Battlefield introduces this camo as an upgrade to your Tank. What should it do?
Fully restoring a WWI Mosin-Nagant
Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.
Question as a future dad…
Movies that elicit this vibe please!
Why do the Super Predators have such weird heads? Are they a subspecies of the yautja? I mean, obviously yes but how come we've only ever seen the Super Predators with such ugly heads?
Had to post this odd looking M16A1? XM16E1?
Weekend photo dump for y’all, enjoy.
[WTB] Primary Arms SLx 1-6x24 FFP Rifle Scope - Illuminated ACSS Raptor Reticle - 7.62x39 / .300 BLK $300-$325
Alright folks, I’ve caught the bug. I’m an absolute noob regarding long (ish) range and I thought I would start small with a Ruger American Ranch in 7.62x39. (Full questions and topics in body text)
[WTS] B5 Sopmod Stock, Harris SL bipod, CMC trigger 3.5 LBs SS, Glock 19 10 round Winnie mag, fin grips with Ambi thumb shelves.
Enjoy a Friday photo dump. Few of these photos are 308/7.62 but I gotta give a win to the AR10 bros
The Parts Bin SPR has been coming together nicely. Certainly not gucci but it’s been a solid shooter so far. Anything I’m missing?
Anybody running a suppressor on a Ruger American Ranch (GEN 1/GEN 2) in 7.62x39? Picked up a GEN 2 and I’m looking for recommendations. Multi-cal is a plus but not needed
SMLE being used by Belgium Special Forces during Survival Training.
Picked this up at the local shop for $1100, how’d I do?
Halo 3 Helmet Concept Art: Closest Matches to Each Helmet?
Couldn’t find a dedicated Subreddit for C91s so I figured this would be the best place to ask. Just picked this up at the local shop, anybody able to identify the accessories/furniture on this rifle?
Am I the only one who thought Carver's suit looked like a Dark One from Metro 2033?
HARK! Quad Rails on A2 Uppers enjoyers REJOICE! Behold, I deliver upon you a much needed dose of vindication!