I Didn't Expect to Find Ewan Here
Simpler Times…
what’s the best team up?
Better than the OG one?
Star-Lord, Guardian of the Galaxy
Am I the only one who wanted physical Lego go carts from Lego Racers? Why weren't those a thing? Doesn't anyone think of the churen? My childhood was ruined!
Lego X-Men 2000
Lego Marvel Rivals! - All Characters
Bought a halo 5 linda figure and ripped all the armor off to finish my custom spartan figure. Dixiane is now completed
Pretend that we are in the timeline DC release a hero shooter game instead of Marvel
Mysterious Canisters Wash Up on Voya Nui, and the 16 Toa Inika Emerge, One for Each Toa Element [GALLERY]
Media where each chapter, episode, installment, segment etc. has a consistent naming scheme
Am I the only one who thinks that this quest menu is overdesigned? Everytime I open it I'm overwhelmed and I lose any desire to do quests
Are these Vatuka?
Simple Spartan Drip as seen in Bell of Lost Souls article: "Huge LEGO HALO UNSC Paris-Class Frigate Has 25,000 Pieces and Remembers REACH"
Potential best looking Halo helmet ever just dropped
Linda’s unique helmet attachment will be compatible with a multitude of Helmets, listed below. The drip is going to be insane.
Let’s be real fellas, the Blue Team armor looks sick
How do people feel about x-fighter and tie-wing
The Gang is almost all here. We are just missing Rogue and Hayabusa.
The power of ai
We've seen everyone's favorite or least favorite figures but what's your most canonically strongest figure you own? Feel free to debate.
Combat Reporter April O’Neil Custom Kitbash and Bonus Cartoon April
Total Drama Tarma
Enough of these cross-kit sheananigans! Let's make Armet look good.