Luckiest idiot alive here. On RR stopped by microcenter and scored a 5090. Help.
No Crossdressing They Said
Am I fucked?
genuine question, would these headrest covers get me in trouble in malaysia
As expected he has OKU card
We always look at the bright side, that why crime offender often left unattended.
Four months of hardwork, will almost be paid off
All too familiar la...
I'm that guy your gf told you not to worry about... should I stay or walk away?
Harga sebuah kebodohan dan kemalasan
Apparently there is a cyber war between Malaysia and Indonesia hackers... anyone else knows about this?
I don't know why my temperatures are so high lately. I already changed the thermal paste.
300k scammed!
PC has worked fine for 4 years, randomly won't turn on today.
I was walking in the rain, and my face ID didn’t work. So I went to reset it, and um… now what? 😅
Are these marks caused by cockroaches?
How to stop cat from licking my face so much??
Should I get OLED?
Speaker design noob question…why did apple change the design of the bottom speakers?
PDRM using a jammer gun on an unauthorized drone in Penang
Is my GPU fully inserted?
Need help!!! urgent
Will my car’s headlight turn off when I turn the engine off?
My friend wants to go from a 4090 to a 5080. HOW DO I STOP HIM
Is this real chat? a BMW using signal?