I can't pause in both Rock Band 1 and 2 on my RGH modded Xbox
Guys which version do I get
GH2/Aerosmith Dual Pack Compatibility
I just realized how broken the GH games on PS3 were... Spanish Fly 100% FC after 20 minutes. I could barely 5* this in my prime roughly 12 years ago and am in shock that you can actually hit these tapping notes. No wonder barely any notable FCs were achieved on PS3.
GH World Tour: Can’t Select anything in game
Where do single women go to meet men?
The Grind for this Ridiculous Achievement is almost over...
The GTA 5 Liberty City Preservation Project Has Been Shut Down by Rockstar Games.
i have no other options, riffmaster is too expensive. this + v3 adapter should work on the ps5 (ive seen some comments) what do yall think?
Does anyone need the gh3 crack?
Guitar Hero Arcade broke
Scam from u/Ancient-Relief918
A conversation I've had too often recently
How do I connect my PDP Riffmaster to my 360 with the v3
How to delete a save file? (GH3PC)
Snow in GTA4 without mods
What is this at the bottom on my wi les paul
This guys playing technique is very unique. (Thank you youtube recommendations)
Assassin's Creed Origins is getting bombed with negative reviews because of Microsoft’s 24H2 Windows 11 update which has bricked the game for a lot of people. Black screens, crashes, and freezes, and still no fixes yet.
A brand new Hyperkin Wii guitar has arrived in 2024
Can I get an RCM guitar to work on Wii?
Has anyone created a dongle that can connect too any console?
Guitar Hero for ps4
My yellow button doesn't work... anyone know where to look?
Les Paul controllers very expensive?