How do you respond to the common right wing gotcha question of “Why can’t I identify as another species”
Guy I started dating compared lgbtq folks to pedophiles
Every guy I've dated ended up transitioning
Should 'Death with Dignity' be legal in all 50 states? Why or why not?
Why is this south further behind and trans rights of the north?
My mom actually thinks Jerry Springer transed me. Now what?
what is wrong with people and why are they against "humanities"
It's getting scary out there, but the game is not over by a long shot.
Idk what is up with my boyfriend and gay people
Would you fight the U.S. if it came to it?
How to deal with Gay Transphobes?
Is ucla still standing?
He gave his cats raw milk because he thought it was healthier. He says it tragically backfired
What positive experiences have you all had with Actual Lesbians (that just so happen to be trans)?
Men like to argue no reason
New Facebook Rules
LBG with the TQIA
Cis people hate us so much, I feel like I want to leave the planet on a spaceship.
me and my gf kept track of our sex for 2024
According to Gallup, American support for same-sex marriage is still near all-time highs.
Is it transphobic?
If you were given the chance to restart life as a cis, gender girl and you could restart from any age, but would you start from?
Atheism Should Leave Its Transphobia Behind
Conscious/sentient AI - reality or myth?
Miss Arkansas