Cyber truck parked right in front of a no parking sign in a bike lane
Pluslife red lights?
Age restricted items
People with cognitive challenges or low IQs have always existed and are deserving of the same rights and safety as you
Best nasal sprays
Anyone else feel a lot of shame for not being perfect in your precautions? I sometimes feel like I’m not “good enough” for other covid cautious people
My brother has COVID. My mom we are unsure about. How can I keep myself safe?
How do you guys date?
Partner has to serve jury duty in 2 weeks amidst the surge. I can't go elsewhere. Tips for cohabitating safely?
How to Avoid Heat Exhaustion/Stroke While Masking?
I don’t know if I can keep living like this
How do you guys handle being outside/hiking
Does anyone here have casual sex?
Question for bikers, hikers, walkers...
A Performer’s Perspective
Traveling during summer surge
Why won't they call it Covid?
Why is an asymptomatic worse than a case with symptoms?
Dentist now or later?
Flight or Train?
Why did your friends/family recently stop masking?
New to poly and new partner wants me to stop having sex with nesting partner
Rant about clueless people
Replacement Tent Poles
am i just crazy?