Distance of the Brazilian cities
How bad would the predation pressure faced by adult, medium-sized Herbivorous dinosaurs like Triceratops, Deinocheirus, or Edmontosaurus compare to that faced by adult, medium-sized herbivores of today(i.e. Antelope, Wildebeest)?
What are paleontlogy myths, lies, misconceptions that irritate you the most?
How bad would the predation pressure have been on medium-sized herbivorous dinosaurs compared to modern-day medium sized herbivores?
In the modern day outside of rhinos, why aren't there any large animals (megafauna) on earth that evolved into slow armored tanks that rely on their bulk and natural armor to protect themselves from predation instead of speed, agility and other traits (like the pareiasaurs and ankylosaurs)?
What is your favorite dinosaur family?
Just a reminder how big and heavy Utahraptor (potentially) was.
Forget about the strongest tornado. What is the most powerful supercell to date?
Which dinosaur would be the best pet? (excluding modern birds)
What's going on with all these traditionalists Catholics coming to popularity?
The Last Killer Theropod: A Haast's Eagle swoops onto its prey. Less than 1000 years before the present, there were still dinosaurs occupying the same uncontested apex predator niche held by animals like T. rex & Giganotosaurus(Art by Julio Lacerda)
Could the Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian era be considered "Peak Dinosaur"?
Instead of which bird looks the most Dinosaur-like, which Mesozoic dinosaur looks the most like a modern bird?
Battle of the strange herbivorous theropods: A Deinocheirus, in a musth-like state, begins to attack Therizinosaurus over an Adasaurus nest (by Sumair Ferhan Syed)
Considering this skull-size difference, would a Deinonychus be capable of regularly hunting the largest jaguars and wolves? Furthermore, would the strength gap between a Dromaeosaur and an equal-sized felid/canid be like the strength gap between a Big Cat and a Human or would it be even greater?
What other dinosaurs went extinct 66 MYA aside from dinosaurs in the Hell Creek or formations similar to Hell Creek
With some users getting into a defensive hissyfit over the Bear vs. Raptor video that was posted, I just gotta ask: What if we paired up the largest extinct members of each clade: Utahraptor vs Arctodus(Bissekty is a bit too fragmentary atm compared to these 2). Who would win?
It's easy to forget just how long the Age of Dinosaurs was. While it might seem like Tarbosaurus & T. rex lived alongside each other, based on what we know, Tarbosaurus lived 2-4 million years EARLIER than its bigger cousin.
Will a city ever be what I thought Paris would be? This is about Paris Syndrome
Dolphin players, how does the current meta compares to the ichthyosaurs in the Triassic and Jurassic patch?
The three largest theropods of the Nemegt formation
Who has the highest defense build among these vertebrates?
What bird looks the most “dinosaur-like” to you? (Ik birds are dinosaurs but ykwim!)
What are some alternatives to organized crime that a guy can join so they can feel a sense of camaraderie and fun?
Which theropod clade was most likely to hunt in packs?