Day 1! BSD reaction to missing a bus. Who swears? (Can be more than one. Most commented wins)
whats your favorite anime
Name your favorite IRL Bsd author…
Say something about a very loved character, arc, theory, ship, or anything that could completely RUIN your reputation here
I'd let him sit on me
So...Who's it gonna be?? (can customize color request)
If you vote Oda, I’ll do two things
gush to me about your fave ships!! (no skk please)
Give me an adult character, and I'll find at least one thing that's attractive about them NO MATTER WHAT.
In the first time I tried to convince a friend to watch BSD, I showed Fyodor's design and he said it "looked like a little girl", what's your opinion?
Why is no one talking about the raw meat theory?
Catsushi wants yall to share your silliest bsd images
Favorite non intj humans tht u guys wd like to interact with?
I joined recently so I don't expect much lol.
Jumping on the bandwagon (again)
Favorite character who is 200+ years old?
What are some simple things that you enjoy?
I'm making a Dostoevskij WhatsApp sticker pack, any ideas?
Drop your bsd headcanons, memes, fanarts, ANYTHING pls (im having an awful day and I just need some distraction)
The voting is open so… Show you voted Kouyou and I'll make commission art for you! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Give me your BSD images, most upvoted one will become my school laptop’s wallpaper (keyword: school. so images lacking cussing would be preferred lol-)
I might also have a type (credits for u/Every_Natural_34 and u/mavereic)
Psychological horror they said.....