At how many weeks did u deliver baby for first time moms?
Flat head babies where yall at
Your daily reminder to take a mental break.
How are moms getting to baby's first doctors appt?!
Co sleeping…how?
Why cant she poop!???????
Do you think this is okay? Need your opinion.
Do ya’ll feel like you have to ask your partner for help?
Whats a random thing that you find difficult that you didn’t think you would before baby came?
Have your partners been supportive/helpful?
If you could only choose one: breast vs bottle?
If you are formula feeding without a valid life or death reason you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
How old is your baby and how many times a night do they wake to feed?
When did you take a bath?
Terrified of not enough eye contact
did you really wait six weeks..?
3 weeks pp no milk?
First pregnancy: when did you give birth?
I don’t want to breastfeed
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
Did i get lucky or is it going to get harder?
Birthing experience
Anyine got induced?
Will my water break first or will contractions come first?