Qué opinan del bloqueo de Tik Tok en EEUU?
RIP TikTok - new changes
Does the lack of developer support a year in worry you guys?
MV-HEVC encoding working in iOS
Budget gamers reveal yourselves!
Dear lord Claude shits all over ChatGPT and Gemini for coding
Fuck Em All, Basically
Oh I subscribe $60 purchase.
Is this window management feature available?
Windsurf Wave 2 is here - Major features drop: Web Search, Automated Memories + More
Shitposting n°11 de 365: Flaca no sé de que me estas hablando, yo soy de Melmac.
Stop building useless sh*t
Saw a movie at the theater this weekend. Was disappointed it didn’t look as good as my Vision Pro at home
El "sindicato de influencers" kirchneristas publicó un video mostrando que la dictadura criminal y asesina de Nicolás Maduro les pagó el viaje, hospedaje y comida en Venezuela a través de "Congreso Mundial de Jovenes" que se realizó en Caracas.
As a reminder a new version of Moonlight (the non alex version) was just refreshed
To Mark Zuckerberg: this is called innovation
You need to leave
Did you all just get used to these issues?
I really wanted this to work out
When is Claude' s next major update going to be?
What’s Your Favorite MCP for Claude so far?
A dream post
No hay coronación esta vez: Argentina se encuentra en el puesto 41 en tamaño del pene.
Does anyone care a lot about Apple releasing more immersive videos?
Recommend any best 3d movies