Name me some real life bugs you want to get fixed :)
Tell me your unique skill
i just turned 15 today and google is the only one who cared enough to wish me happy birthday
How old am i based on my playlist
This Guy Mist Be Delusional. Mods Don’t Add Value, At Least Not in this Case
Bad crop?
Giving your avatars threat levels
what song did you listen to last? i'll rate it 1-10
Guys rate my playlist or i’ll die
What is the most unusual thing you/someone shoved “up there”?
I hate people who leaves their carts (2 in 1)
This is my car. What should I name her?
Cars are cool, Whats your favorite Convertible or Cabrio? (Roadsters are also allowed)
Some actual (but strange) hear me out
Dear teens of r/TeenagersButBetter, what is your dream car?
Here are some stupid meme about the 1998 Honda Accord in hopes to make your day better (help me)
This is relatable
Since my previous post blew up, let’s see for this one: What’s this guy’s Google search history?
Hear me out... But they gotta put this in April Fools....
This is a very awesome vehicle right there!