A Siberian Woman’s View on American Aid to Ukraine
A Siberian Woman’s View on USA Aid to Ukraine
An ordinary Siberian woman talks about American aid to Ukraine
I tried to stop a young Russian from going to war but ultimately failed
The Russian PhD explains how to 'fix' Ukrainians and the Baltics to make them 'normal' again: simply isolate them from Russophobic propaganda
Here we go again, another Ivan says, 'The war began in 2014 because of Victoria Nuland’s cookies on Maidan, as democracy is poison.
When your mind is for Russia, but your soul is for America.
When your mind is for Russia, but your soul is for America
A Russian soldier is asking why people don’t like them
I asked a Russian soldier why he came to Ukraine
How Ordinary Russians are Stealing Homes in Occupied Territories of Ukraine
How Ordinary RuZZian Citizen stole house in occupied territories of Ukraine
How Ordinary Russian Citizen Stole Homes in Occupied Territories of Ukraine