where are yall finding teammates ?
Behavioral issues at daycare
Advice regarding knee !
Does this sound like early symptoms?
She’s less attractive than she thinks (updated with pics)
Is psn down. Nothing is working
post ur cat in the comments and i will draw it
Tell me I’m not the only one
Stranded on a island a year til rescue. Which stack you going with?
Recruiter email a scam?
Valentine’s day?!
Upgrading Discharge Status
Just lost a game because a guy was playing Bruce Only NOT HULK
Big shout out to all the healers.
Should I open them? Or should I keep them sealed?
What you guys have to say? (saw this posted in a different sub)
What you guys have to say?
Tell me what title you use in rl and I’ll decide if you’re allowed in (answering every comment)
Bans should be for ALL ranks. This is not fun. At all.
How you guys who insta-lock seem sometimes...
I'm looking for discord gaming groups any recommendations?
Turning off chat is the way to go.
Profile Review!!
FTC and 18 States Sue to Stop Harris Jewelry from Cheating Military Families with Illegal Financing and Sales Tactics
my bf (M15) gets nsfw dms sent to him.
Is my LDR girlfriend a catfish, or am I overthinking it?