Behind the scenes of Game of Thrones: A record-breaking 20 stunt performers were set on fire simultaneously to create one of the show’s most intense battle scenes!"
This temple in India was carved into the stone (Kailasa Temple)
This is a Gourd Banjo that I built! Thought y’all might find it interesting.
What fights would you say was definitely real on baddies Midwest?
Snow storm in the big easy ⚜️
Overconfidence and too much beer don’t mix
Who did it better?
Testing the durability of the Toyota Hilux.
10 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği bolu otel yangınında kaçmaya çalışanların sarkıttığı çarşaflar
Huangluo, a Chinese village, upholds a tradition where women cut their hair only once in their lifetimes, a rite of passage performed at the age of 17.
Geceliği 29.674 ₺ olan otelde ihmaller zinciri yüzünden 10 vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetti 32 kişi yaralandı. İnsanlar uykusunda yangınlara teslim oldu.
Perfectly executed "My heart goes out to you" gesture
Just got my car in December. Came out this more and this is what I find 🚮
Anzeige ist schon raus...
Iran Sentenced Rapper and Singer Tataloo to Death for Blasphemy. Case was Reopened to Increase Punishment for ‘Insulting the Prophet‘
The big ones were pretty impressive!
China's social media platform RedNote features posts speculating about Türkiye's potential expansion, can this be real chat?
Yolda yürüyen genç kadına yumruklu saldırı: Serbest bırakılan saldırgan, yeniden gözaltına alındıktan sonra tutuklandı
Revenge of a mother
I can't believe this. Fortnite has indeed peaked.
I had this piece of aluminum in my hand since December 10th. After many attempts, I finally got it out today.
Bennett's BBQ Pigeon Forge, TN $33
A bunch of drunk girls getting out of a taxi
Which movie should I be watching next?