is this art?
Water reservoir aeration in ferigation system?
Phone snacher got arrested in London
If you’re not in coco…. are you even growing bro?!?! Trop Cherry🍒 getting real purp now💟
pineapple express almost done
Final entry for the Solfire solo cup contest
yield estimate
Kolik jste měli peněz ve 30.
Wtf is wrong with me!?
Pes jménem Kaky?
Nejhezčí vísky a městečka v okolí Brna
Muži, kdy jste přišli o panictví?
First grow, worried about space (1.2mx1.2m)
Kolik financí vás stálo se naučit nějaký skill?
Proč je fráze "Poslední dobou se nám tady rozmáhá takový nešvar" tak často používaná?
tempest and dynavap integration
Coco growers with automated watering, how often do you fertigate?
did I burn her or is this deficiency?
Co je emko?
Už asi měsíc a půl mě bolí nart
Driver said my tip was disrespectful
Do I still need to use CalMag with very hard water?
[rant] Finanční vyhlídky
Hello guys, I've been smoking for years and I want to plant but I don't know where to start, and I'm afraid of killing the plant lol help me 🙏
eu growers recommend me your favourite breeders