I love Smeyer’s concepts but not always her direction
So I’m finally watching Season 47 and…
Which Survivor Contestant is the Most Vanilla Pre-Juror?
Can extroverted people have MD too?
Vicariously thriving through Joe
Can we get a thread on why it’s so disturbing? (THAT scene)
Imprinting/the whole “Jacob was attracted to Bella’s egg” thing
Does anyone else have a debilitating lack of common sense/independence?
What are your thoughts on Sydney Segal?
Intentions do matter compared to impact
188 down and in maintenance. You can do it!
Who is your favorite Survivor duo? (allies or rivals)
Jeff Varner a few days ago still talking about his game changers incident. Stays searching his own name🤣 (for clarity the original tweeter got Cambodia and game changers mixed up)
Steven Crain
Emily's comment about Bruce
Who will be the S50 'WTF' pick from the new era?
The most aesthetic 'movie' couple in my opinion
S50 Wishlist: Incomplete Storylines/Character Arcs
s47 is the best new era season by far
Your favorite player’s favorite player?
What’s the number 3 best Disney channel song. We are only doing top ten.
Who is your ‘unpopular opinion’ player?
I cannot believe that ____ won't be sitting in FTC
Anna is so underrated, it is painful!
Which of these new era players is your favorite?