Okay then
Terribly unique indeed
Baby name regret 11 months later
Name an album and i’ll state my most and least favourite song from it
Sean “Diddy” Combs Faces Claims Of Raping 13-Year-Old Girl In 2000 With Unnamed “Male & Female Celebrity” In Latest Round Of Lawsuits
AITA for stitching up my boyfriend's toy with the wrong thread?
Songs that mention being 17
What cartoon parent is so shit that they actually make you mad?
First names for middle name Wade
Summer for a winter baby?
WIBTA if I divorce my husband after he beat me up in a drunken rage?
What do you LOVE about your name?
What is a name everybody loves that you personally don't like?
Simple, but still terrible
What’s your favorite R name? For a girl
Daughters K class list
Twin name suggestions
Can we make this a tragedeigh? It has to end in "bella"
I genuinely can't tell if this satire and a baby-doll
Is there any name for a food that would NOT be a tragedeigh?
My Attempt at a Strawberry Crunch Cake
My name is Patrick Paige II and I just dropped my sophomore album “I Fail Are We Still Cool?”. Ask away. I’ll get to as many of you as I can.