Grand Reckoning Talon
New Talon icon & emote
Why does this sound like interstellar
I'm looking for that one live recording of John Hughes where a drunk guy screams during the intro and right before the drop Efrim says: "something, something SHUT UP!" and the guy starting screaming to the melody
Lost a 1v1 and learned a harsh lesson...
Is Talon just absolutely garbage this patch? What happened?
I just got a Jhin mask from Etsy. Can't wait for it to arrive! Props to Ruslan, the genius who made it
Name a place to eat in Pune that's nasty AF but people hype tf out of it.
This came to me while waiting for a lurks upload
Overhyped Food Places
Vi top
Apparently in season 15...
Serpent's Fang
Would you recommend Kayn in low elo ?
I just lost 23k geo
Who is your most listened to Australian artist?
Which champion do you despise? A champ that rarely anyone talks about or plays but you just hate.
go to ur liked songs, press shuffle and tell me what song plays
What are some of your favourite movie worthy moments in cricket? I'll go first :
What's your favorite quote when a character casts their burst?
What was the point of… (1079 spoilers)
Hikaru's honest take on "Levy, Botez and people of that sort".
top 5 drain gang archive songs?
Any opinion to my f2p Yelan? I dont have much time to play genshin. What's your guess to my final potential of my Yelan HP and Crt.R at Lvl90?