I don’t understand what’s her deal with holidays
Anytime, Anywhere.. Colleen will always shove her kids into a selfie for thousands of creeps to see! … Even if it’s on St. Patrick’s day!
I’m gonna admit it. I don’t like Owen because of the military thing
The "concern" over Sophie's race
What is up with the SJM Hate?
New sneak peak - 'Mr. Bridgerton'
Who’s the Second Worst Boyfriend/Husband on Grey’s?
Who is your confront character?
Jenelle is on Barb again this morning with Gypsy crap
Season 3: Seggs/NSFW Scenes
It’s official. The relax podcast is back.
Josh’s recent tweet. Is this about Colleen
The weirdest crushes/couples
Ariana Grande says she’s been ‘deeply misunderstood’ this year
It's weird to me that her boys are into bugs or cars or trucks while M is into ... Jojo? and dolls? In her latest vlog "What I got my kids for Christmas", she gifted an actual stroller to her daughter.
What “The Vampire Diaries “ storyline would you get rid of?
What greys opinion would have you like this
Who’s your favorite sister? (including Lex) ⬇️ GO! ⬇️
Can someone use some greys math to tell me how long they think Derek and Mer were actually together?
Dublin riots, Opinions?
Birthday Vlog weirdness!!
More rocks than likes? YIKES.
Can we please stop calling Tamlin a tampon?