Am I the asshole here? For reference I am most of the things she listed, however I thought I was only asking for her dating intentions. It came off very pretentious which is why I nipped it in the bud.
When it comes to female gaze which one of this bodies is more attractive and why? For overall mainstream appeal? Or another completely different body type?
He unmatched me after my answer 🥲
No response after this exchange. Guess she didn't want to talk about it 👀
Is this funny to most people or too extreme?
I’m a little afraid the man I’m seeing is red pill
Steve breaking up with Miranda over the suit was so stupid
Is there something wrong with me that I never really liked Aidan?
They usually get me further than this...
Carries Hair as Symbolism
What's with people on dating apps posting pictures of themselves giving the middle finger?
Nervous to ask gym crush for her number
When I was 16 I lied about my age to sleep with an older woman…
Dating is spooky
I thought of killing a person how do i fix it?
This guy is too busy to date 😂
I'm having a terrible mental health day. Give me reasons to stay alive
How can you tell the difference between hypomania and euphoria?
There's a BIG difference between You thinking you're great at sex vs. partner thinking You are, truly are
Have we normalized men crying yet
AIO for calling my boyfriend a creep bc he didn’t know how old I’m turning?
Hinge is SUS
Adam is such a dick!