My 5yr old girl has developed this bump on her snout. Does anyone know what it could be?
Back with the blooming jade, better pics!
My prized backyard jade in full bloom
Toddler bit me and my life flashed before my eyes
Let me see your puppies, I'd like to choose one to carve him.
Our 15 year old FLF and the rest of the younger plant babies!
Let it go, just let it go
What a steal!! Only 60$ for a THRIVING plant
Husband tier list, which one is yours?
My prayer plant is growing demon claws? Do I need to exercise it?
Feeling really suicidal today
Is my alocasia variegated??????
Life is exhausting. What's exhausting you right now?
Today I broke one of the golden rules of baking. This is a cold oven cake from Baking Yesteryear.
What "early internet" website did Gen Z really miss out on?
I want to claw my skin off
Lunch, snack, dinner.
Help my Hoya. White powder like mold on nodes and bottom of leaves. 2 years old propagated from grandma's house.
Is this pot too small? New to plants
Finally found one that wasn’t $83850381. How long before I kill it do you think?
who is this diva?
potato, broccoli, cheddar bites for my (almost🥹) 9 month old. i kind of wish i made more they ended up being so tasty
Mid life crisis?
Can someone help me identify the cause of my fiddle’s brown spots please?