So close fellow kings
Don’t post crypto pump & dumps
Today i ordered a drone strike on a pair rentoids late on rent how do i look kings?
My female rentoid is wasting money on funko pops, gonna rent her pu55y out to pay me rent!
I added some Feng Shui to my rentoids room but then they started complaining. Just can’t please ‘em all
Alright stop posting about Rhodesia
Requesting r/loveforlandlords
LandChodes. I am a single mother enjoyer/rentoid who eats tuna melt avocado toasted croissants for breakfast. How does that make you feel?
Discord server
AI monday
AI posts are now banned
Im finishing my latest house wich i would rent at 5k/m toughts ?
Reminder that human history started with Giga-LandChad (GOD) removing greedy apple thieving Rentoids (Adam & Eve)
My rowing experiences (heavily influenced by Hillman) - first compass, open for comments and criticism
Discord permalink
God I love my job (Landchad)
What do we as your benevolent overlords need to improve upon for running this holy kingdom.
New selfie kings, how am I looking
What a beautiful message for all men. ♥️
Crabworks revival!?!?!?!?1
Voracious Wunk