Out of all da Boyz, whoz da best of da Greenskins?
What are some moments in Total Warhammer where you used an excellent strategy to defeat your enemy?
The beautiful asymmetry of this game is slowly being lost and the Khorne rework is the best example
New California province in Immortal Empires
Regardless of the reasons CA has made before, what in YOUR opinion qualifies a character to be made into a hero or lord?
How many battles do yall think you autoresolve in your campaigns on average?
I don't think every LL that you WH enthusiasts can name should make it to Immortal Empires, which is already overcrowded.
What is your favorite trailer?
What faction are you playing at the moment? What's happening in your campaign?
A guide to Zhatan (Mongol mode)
If had to worship one Chaos God in real life for anyone to see who would it be?
You may be the underdog, but you are still painfully boring.
One of the best ways to flesh out the world we play in TWW3 is to add as many heros as possible.
Are people who prefer narrative campaigns just fucked going forward?
Is there a way to delete dwarves from the game?
Ode to Ostankya, the worst decision CA ever made, nor comment on changing, because nobody cares.
Assume 40K: Total War is coming. What would make you NOT buy it?
How many mods do you use in your total war games?
How tf did i get 0 upkeep and 0 recruitment cost as Arbaal in my campaign?
I'm terribly sorry Bret/DE/WE/VP/LM fans
Odds of Races getting a new DLC during WH3
Ok so, realistically, is there enough lore to scrounge up for a ton of more units?
Whats the likelihood of CA just straight up making new units for future DLCs?
Possibly Controversial Opinion, but I'm glad Arbaal was the mortal choice and not Skar Bloodwrath
Fun Fact: Sea Lord Aislinn once burned down Marienburg for fun