At what age did your metabolism switch from "i can eat anything" to "ok, maybe i should watch what i eat and follow a diet"?
What song?
What is that ONE song that is guaranteed to get you up on that dance floor?
Asking your opinion every day about a Linkin Park song day 115: IGYEIH
Which Black Video Game Character Should Be In Smash?
What has greatly boosted your mental health?
If countries were songs, day two. What song is the USA?
Each show has one, who's the fan favorite?
What games are you most excited about on Nintendo Switch 2
Love this new local bookstore
Ask me anything about Dear Kelly, I’ve got some free time if anyone has questions
What song has a downright nasty bassline?
Type “I AM GRANDMA!” With your eye closed.
What’s your drink of choice?
Favorite and Least Favorite Magical Girl?
He was right, suffering outweighs pleasure
What song is playing?
Playing against Widow is a miserable experience
Madoka Magica feels like it has "90s grunge girl" flavor so had to add some Hole
Why Do You Join Comp Just to Be AFK or Not Try?
Hi everyone, I need tips!
Sayaka Figma
Underrated action anime with ruthless mc with good animations and fights
Recommend me a game please
Asking your opinion every day about a Linkin Park song day 88: Final Masquerade