(Extremely muffled buddy Holly lick)
Newish to this (idk if this is the right flair)
Oh she is STUNNING
Vip merch spoilersss
To anyone who had VIP, what are the stage tours like?
We Need To Beat Poverty is my favourite song off the Green album. What's yours?
i was wathcing weezer and... why is it green?
Anybody here get into Weezer ignorant of Blue or Pinkerton?
weezer bowl!
Reward gems bug
How’s the event treating everyone so far?
Why do people hate Raditude?
Won tickets to see them in September. I loved the Blue record when it came out, front to back, and love a few tracks on Pinkerton. Haven’t really paid attention since. Any ideas what they might be playing?
Concert help: arrival time and vip
Sunscorch dragon
Milk and honey dragon?
Come one, come all! DragonVale is going medieval.
The quest for diamonds is over
After many moons
What do I do with this island
Someone should check up on them
do we like him or love him??
100 days wish
Is this happening to anyone else?
Favorite element? Also any elements you think should be added?