MAGA not getting their IRS jobs in KC thanks to Trump
My MAGA Sister in Law Just Got This After Accepting a Job with the IRS
Obama being Obama
Barron Trump is massive :D
Monthly Rant/Politics Thread: Do not post political threads outside of this Mega thread
Record lows lead to Tuesday closings, cancelations, delays
Grocery store cashier. Before, During & After the pandemic
What Common Fallacies Are Holding Cities Back?
Levy's last road to GM video really resonated with me
9w8 is sometimes called the "Shrek" subtype of 9. If we were to name the wings/subtypes of each type similarly, what would they be?
How would someone know if they are a 5 or an 1?
Windows are expensive, I guess, but you'd think 900k would get you more than that. Maybe vampires.
What movie scene growing up messed you up?
Do you like colors? Not sure whether this belongs here, ATBGE, or TookTooMuch
The tech billionaire war on "woke" is really a war on workers
Capitalist housing, San Fransisco, USA
The Sex Abuse Scandal That’s Rocking Miss Hall’s, an Elite Berkshires Boarding School for Girls
Have your 30s been better than your 20s so far?
‘You can’t be pro-billionaire and pro-working class’: Biden’s labor chief on return of Trump
Reactions across the United States after the announcement of OJ Simpson's not guilty verdict in 1995.
In celebration of Grant O'Brien
I didn't know you could compose template literal types in TypeScript.
There’s a very popular explanation for Trump’s win. It’s wrong.
Why don’t engineers have unions?
ACTUAL hot takes compilation.
If you could, what would you say to yourself on Day 1 of your long covid journey?