Friendly Bodybags
Were we in the wrong?
Fancy Lunch Birthday Places?
3 years and i learned one lesson on this sub…
It’s official
Apple earnings are out — here are the numbers
14k in Carvana puts with money from selling my car to them
I left for vacation for 3 weeks. In preparation I shut off the sprinkler system; however I forgot to turn off water to the entire house and drain the faucets. How screwed am I?
why do i feel dumb buying as the market continues to fall and we are hitting lows week after week?
Black Tuesday
Does anyone here commute to Austin for work?
Parks to explore
Why is crime increased suddenly so much in Houston? Everyday I read someone getting killed , shot or robbed
can’t handle this loss
I’m sure this is a novice strategy but does anyone do this?
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, June 10, 2021
Stock price anomalies during and AH
Well now we're all just sad skeletons
What’s your best childhood memory? Why?
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen while driving at night?
What's a car you love that everyone else seems to hate?