Guys how do I improve my team?
What's you attacking lineup? Trio of duo?
Day ruined
Help me choose
What is the coolest dynamic image? I'll go first:
Shards are the best thing that happened to this game
What RW should I pick
Which one guys?
Messi or ronaldo 107?
Is 105 gerrard good
Messi and Ronaldo Stats . ( slide 2 - Ronaldo max stats) ( slide 3 - Messi max stats)
No one going to point this out?
What should I go for?
These people need to have an IQ test
Just wait till cr7 comes out
Shard him?
I have 1k tokens who should I pick?
Unpopular opinion: David Ginola is The Best Payer In game.
Who is the GOAT (if dictated by ingame play)?
What would you buy with 600 shrads?
Remember this card
New player here considering my squad who should I go for desailly or Schweinsteiger?
Is he worth it? (he's only 300 shards and I need new cbs)
Everything I've gotten this event