What's something that can happen in Season 3 that will make you pull this move?
is this a good team for him?
Latest update on the speculative map I'm drawing - now with Snezhnaya and the playable areas.
Who's personality reflects yours the most and makes you feel like you'd do the same as them if you were a player? (pic unrelated)
What if these two met?
Which Squid Game challenge would be the worst to die in?
So you're a Scara enjoyer? Well interpret this [OC]
If you were a player , would you participate in the rebellion
What Characters Are Overrated In Your Opinion???
Looking for clear/official reference of Scara's tattoo!
Which ship do you ABSOLUTELY despise/don't understand?
scara solo abyss clear video
Columbina retrieving the Pyro Gnosis
What’s a theory you think COULD actually be true, but you don’t want it to be?
scara solo abyss clear
What are things you DON'T want to see in Season 3?
Scarameow has arrived safe and sound to his new home
How did you reacted When Salesman Died?
When a Korean character's name is hard to remember in the show, just remember them like this.
Mr. Lover Lover
Who's your squid game crush?
So a guy made an AI that roasts your Reddit profile and I needed to see about someone...
What's a completely useless skill you have, but you're secretly proud of it?
Which season of squid game did you liked?