Family Photo
Where can I buy plave's goods in England
my first sitting cuties ♡
Need help identifying the plushies in this lot I purchased!
What’s your favorite Pokemon?
Started 3 months ago, $300+ in, This is what I got :D (ignore regular decorations)
Could anybody help me source a Noibat plush?
Blind guy here. Wanted to show off my binder of pretty cards + i have found a workaround so i can play the tcg :D
I’m having fun collecting cards of my favorite pokémon
The pulls from my first ever Pokemon box opening, been wanting to do this for some time now and finally decided to do it. As a complete newbie who has no concrete idea of how this works, how did I do?
I’m literally not shaking 🫨
Where can I buy their old albums from as a european plli for relatively cheap?
What’s an underrated card art/illustration?
SO SO SOOO jealous of UK based collectors
Need help finding/ordering Nitamono Doushi Zorua plush
Bubble Mew is so pricey, so this is what fits my budget for now.
My life is complete.
Does anyone else prefer Japanese over English?
Cards you believe are not appreciated enough
Guess my bias. Level: Hard
The journey to collect every Alakazam card
Some Positvity, post some of your favorite cards below
my Deadpool ita bag !
Grusha ita bag!!! With left over pins….
Real talk. Is it lame I'm creating thank you cards that I'm putting in with any online sale. How would you feel if you received one?