Raid on me 729108786807
Reshiram raid on me STARTING SOON- 729108786807
Reshiram on me - 729108786807
Reshiram raid on me - 729108786807
Reshiram on me NEED 2- 729108786807
Reshiram starting soon! - 729108786807
I only need like three more people to do this Kyocera raid please it has 20 min left please add 4402 8251 9994
KYOGRE ON ME 0792 5092 7995
Groudon Raid on now 762287445569
338597339699 rn
Necrozma have 2 830685372438
Necrozma 2158-1330-5918
Mega latias 963404951338
Mega Latias adding 5! 874396387998 will start in 5 mins!
Mega latias 428066709727 stop friending just to not join smh
899540088171 shadow hooh
Ho oh raid
Yveltal 9260 9198 0525
Xerneas adding 10 0822 1340 7536
MEGA SALAMENCE 7613 0702 2117 5466 9666 7160
Mewtwo 1962 1565 0021