What is the difference between social anxiety & social OCD?
Just read my first heinlein novel
How do you deal with the paranoia
Anything nontraditional that you've found super effective?
dry skin + the way clothes feel on my body makes me want to SCREAM
Blood clots coming out???
Its abscessed again and i feel so defeated
I just want my life back
Dna test showed I was lied to
Anybody else here a hyper responder to creatine?
Overstimulated by smells
I freaking hate this
I’m going to leave this right here
Oh my 🥴 I know baby I know 🤣🤣🤣
She seriously just made someone else’s death & grief about her and her BC 😳 she could of made this video about the commenter but of course she had to keep playing the victim 🤬
Ohhhh O is Angry with a dose of "I lost my son" (sped up)
She’s trying to forget the mean comment while making her third video about it while saying she’s not a bully 🤬 She’s the Queen Bully and don’t forget to look at her pinned video 🥴 ask HH if MT stood up for her? I’ll wait
Can the cyst make your whole hooha swell up?
Positive bc update ?
What causes these???
Has anyone drained a blood cyst at home?
Both bartholin's glands have a cyst
Bartolin cyst - :(
birth control making my cyst worse?