We live in a world
Anyone else hate the fact Letterboxd can just remove a film you've watched from your diary and watched films?
Favorite movie that shows full dong?
Which films do you think are most likely to win Best Picture at the 2025 Academy Awards?
What are some of your favorite shots from 2024?
What’s your favorite movie by each of my 4 favorite directors?
What is a really good movie that you can't watch because it's not available on any steaminng platforms?
My favorite war films ranked
Photographic evidence that podcasting is dead and never should've lived to begin with. These are our millionaire funnymen.
I'm going on a 28-hour road trip, what movies will be good to watch.
Who's coming to save you?
What's a game that you want a sequel off, but you know it's unlikely?
Best Film Composer?
What are some habits you like to include in every review
What is your favorite band?
Name a movie you love but everyone else seems to hate
Drop those
Do y’all think Tarantino’s final film will be released this decade?
What's yours?
Who is your crush
It's Thursday...
What are your Damien Chazelle rankings?
What was the best film you’ve ever rented from Blockbuster?
Movies that will actually make me cry.