How do single puppy parents do this 🥲
Back molars erupting super early in 20 week old?
Training for separation
Puppy attacks me on walks
6 month old lab won't stop destroying my apartment!
How long after your pup lost their incisors did the other teeth start to fall out?
Chew holder recommendations
My girl fell asleep alone!
puppy reactive only at night, does it go away on its own?
Massive Puppy Anxiety
My puppy has a loud mouth
Night time crate clarification
Has anyone had success with diltiazem?
What happens after 1 hour playtime / 2 hour enforced nap?
Why only on one side?
What’s up with the water in Stockholm???
Half face is worse + ocular
Employers would be more amenable to remote work arrangements if commuting time is legally mandated as paid work hours.
12 weeks of topical terbinafine progess
Who is Yann LeCun referencing?
couldn’t tolerate oral terbinafine but luckily I’m currently living in Sweden
4 weeks of topical terbinafine progress
terbinafine morning versus night
Doe anyone also have toe joint pain with toe fungas and or infection?
I got an Prescription for "Jublia" from an Online Doctor, Has anyone had any sucess with it?