Ain't no way, Xena has always been TOP and BIG SPOON; I did not think people thought the opposite!
Just some old decks
If you could add new character(s) to the fighting game XENA: TALISMAN OF FATE from the N64, who would you add?
Black and white artwork for Dynamite's Army of Darkness comics Volume 2 and Army of Darkness/Xena (Volume 1) by Fabiano Neves
Does Anyone else wish we got at least 1 more Episode with Xena in Callisto's body?
Happy New Year 👻🚫
Xmas presents from my friends!
Ready for battle!
Tell me you live in Louisiana without telling me you live in Louisiana
My old Xena shirt from the 90’s (cat for scale)
Friendship :)
She had to carry her passed out Friends :)) (HMC)
“It’s Christmas Theo, it’s the time of miracles.”
Who'd you rather hang out and have a drink with? Evil Xena or Alti?
Xena: Warrior Princess
Give me a drink you wouldn’t give your worst enemy…and make it a double!
To the Caves!!!
(Wednesday Theme) Lots of Leias.
Can anyone confirm this statement?
Here's to 80's kids
Dorothy Stratten as "Miss Cosmos" on Buck Rogers
Mavican vs Najara
Charlize Theron as Merideth Vickers