My first PlayStation, receive today 🎉🎊
Grand Theft Auto IV : Buoys Ahoy
Grand Theft Auto IV : Union Drive
Grand Theft Auto IV : Truck Hustle
Grand Theft Auto IV : She's a Keeper
Grand Theft Auto IV : Ransom
Grand Theft Auto IV : I'll Take Her
Grand Theft Auto IV : Hating the Haters
Grand Theft Auto IV : First Date
Grand Theft Auto IV : Three's A Crowd
Grand Theft Auto IV : The Cousins Bellic | Niko Bellic in Liberty City
some pics via editor
Grand Theft Auto IV : Undertaker (Francis's Funeral)
Grand Theft Auto IV : Undertaker (Derrick's Funeral)
Is this sound normal right?
Grand Theft Auto IV : Blood Brothers
Grand Theft Auto IV : Late Checkout