"sorry, I didn't hear you because I was.."
When was the last time you cried or got emotional in public?
Generally would you say it's more common for people to feel moodier, more emotional or more irritable in the summer due to hotter weather and rising temperatures?
Complete this phrase "I generally get on best and have the strongest connection to people with the same..."
Most common trait of fire rising sign people?
Is anyone else generally okay or good at expressing sadness and other emotions? (Except mabye excitement)
What is your best advice on how to heal and move on from internalised shame/feeling inadequate for having healed SH scars?
Which moon sign do you consider to be the most debilitating/challenging/traumatic to have, and why?
Why, in general, are Scorpio moons and suns more prone to using substances or drugs/smoking to cope with emotions and stressors of everyday life?
Most intelligent zodiac sign? (Part 2)
Most intelligent zodiac sign? (Part 1)
Most rebellious/wildest zodiac sign out of these?
Generally, would you instantly say that anyone with a pisces sun sign(approx born between Feb 19 to March 20) is going to be a deeply emotional/sensitive person regardless of what their moon sign is ?
In your opinion, which sun/moon sign is the most self destructive? (Self harm, drugs, alcohol etc.) Part 2
In your opinion, which sun/moon sign is the most self destructive? (Self harm, drugs, alcohol etc.) Part 1
Self judgement and annoyance around taking mental health medication? (Medication stigma)
You can be as blunt/brutal as you like with your answers, which of these conditions is most likely to make you instantly hate someone or view them as weak or a failed human being?
What's your big 3, and what signs are your friends/friend groups?
Scorpio moon Taurus moon compatibility?
What's your sun and moon sign, and how often do you cry ?
In your opinion, which moon sign is the most sympathetic/empathetic when people are crying or emotional/upset? (Part 2)
In your opinion, which moon sign is the most sympathetic/empathetic when people are crying or emotional/upset? (Part 1)
Virgo rising and anxiety/self criticism
Contrary to the assumption that Scorpio moons always want to seek out relationships and friendships with emotionally intense people, does anyone else actually find it easier to enter relationships with detached and more aloof people sometimes ?
Does anyone else feel physically vile/disgusting/gross on their period?