Kim Jacinto variants go so hard
Finally got my first krackle split
Are there any more X-Men with archenemies specific to them?
Zoo Addict (CL 3,100)
It's honestly kind of weird how Ultron didn't even brother to change his look [West Coast Avengers 2024 #1]
Behold and weep.
God splits
If you need an idea for your free Red Neon
Which card to get with chips?
I don't think he thought this through.
This has been such a fun build
Is there any Comic Cover that is similar to this Iron Man 3 poster
Time to share God Splits
CL964, taking recommendations for decks/improving mine?
Infinite Conquest Surtur Deck
Some covers from this past month I’d love to see as cards
They're my guilty pleasures and some of these movies are by no means good, but I can't deny that they absolutely had sauce...
Got this one in really late (it’s 11:45 where I am) but this is day 6 of rendering Drawfee characters til I’m better at shading and colouring, this time it’s Merobiba! Suggest any characters you’d want to see me colour next!
How’s everyone else doing?
Shall I spend some keys here? I'm not planning to spend any more until March 4th (to get Wiccan) and Misery seems like a good card to pick up (especially since she's one of the only two cards I need for Mill).
Take a title and add "...If you know what I mean" to it.
Call me Marina Shafir because I'm the problem.
Send me your current go to deck. CL 8900