This sticker is on a streetlight near my neighborhood, to this day I have no clue who made it or what it means
In all honesty, how do you think Trump will end ?
10m or be the sexiest person on earth
Greatest vocal performance album in rock. Which album and why?
[Opinion] ScreenRant: "Why Paramount Plus Should Make A Different Star Trek Streaming Movie Instead Of Section 31’s Sequel" | "There is certainly an opportunity and desire for streaming movies about other Star Trek characters and ideas."
How come Joan Jett can't sell big arenas like the Scorpions?
Guns N Roses have aged terribly
Roland with his love gun
The best horror book you've ever read.
if there was a big 10 of grunge, what bands do you think would be in it except the big 4?
Album where you like everything EXCEPT the hit?
The 30 Best Rock Bands Of All Time: Nirvana is at #23
Dollar Find - Any Good?
31M, should I wall mount the TV?
Best drum opener?
What's a great "way late in their career" album by a band that's been around forever?
Roberto Clemente, the great one, gets the first spot. Now who’s a player, current or former, that we all love but he’s just average
Def Leppard - Stand By Me (What do you think of the remake?)
It’s our turn. A lot of other subs have done this so, we will too. Who is a former or current pirates player that fans love and he’s good? The player with the most upvotes wins!
Who remembers this?
"Greatest vocalist" doesn't matter, what vocalist resonates with YOU the most?
If you had to be a King villain, who would you choose?
Surprised to hear about a 0.25 mile benchmark next month.
Never saw KISS live - can anyone tell me anything to make me feel better?