What's a piece of Mario lore that has horrific implications that Nintendo have never addressed? Mario's Bombs Away implies that Mario is a war vet. (Please no SMB1 brick blocks)
Time to ask the real questions. Which stand would give the best hugs? (Any stand counts)
Give me Zooble parts, I will draw Zooble with the most upvoted parts
Arabic Nomus remind me of Shadow the Hedgehog
What if Mereoleona had an elf soul residing on her?
Alignment chart :)
La Rance cornue sur d'autres sous français
Who will be the next US president after Elon Musk ?
Who will be the next US president after Elon Musk?
I'm a fan of both series and yet I wonder how this happened.
Completed list of Collective Nouns
Just four arbitrary distributions
OK then you lot... which is worse?
The French had a lot of great ones tbh
Collective Nouns Day 18: United Kingdom - last chance
Pourquoi les Pokémon n’existent pas ?
Ok what’s the best thing. Top comment chooses.
Day one of making Flags, what could I improve on?
Collective Nouns Day 16: Sweden - as determined by most upvoted comment
my boobs are big. is that ok?
We may be racists, but even our extremists have standards. Rare French W
Collective Nouns Day 12: the Netherlands - most upvoted comment wins
Zuperztar Zaga Hammer angry
Take your guesses!
Can you name all the Paper Mario games you played from worst to best?