Who would you R3 and why? I'm kinda in between Hulk and Luke Cage
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Što je to što koristite, a što bi drugima moglo biti od pomoći?
Ćevapi su izglasani kao najbolja delikatesa. A sada, koji bi to bio najbolji glumac?
todays gathering
Iphone 16 ??
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What do you guys think is the hardest fighting fish pound per pound?
Hucho is amazing fighter, every catch is joyful like first time
A or B
Huchen / Salmon C&R
Šta /r/BiH igra? (Gejming, društvene igre i sl.)
i have qbit Torrent and proton vpn what's a kill switch.
One of the vent holes on my HP laptop is drilled offset from the others
Da li su ove nagradne igre vecinom namjestene?!
My idea of a viking, some where i tried to be historically accurate, Thor and then last, Rollo from Vikings
Jeli Vas zabrinjava dolazak ovoliko vojske i naoruzanja EUFOR-a?
Did I make a good choice?
Historijski dan: Evropsko vijeće dalo zeleno svjetlo za otvaranje pregovora s BiH
Brzina interneta u Bih?
Progetto, Borassque
What was your worst losing streak during Holiday Ops? Let's share stories
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