Why do some hoopers go 5 stars on hs with 20ppg (jared mccain senior yr for example) and others need to drop 30 something to go 5 (dearon fox senior yr)
your birthday month = equals which character you have to give a present too. What will you give them?
Cant play the game
Rdo fucking sucks
What’s the most ridiculous thing you did on your first playthrough?
/r/RedDeadRedemption Weekly Question & Answer Thread - Week 46, 2024
Help pls
How did you fall in love with basketball?
Rate my elegant bandito john
My interpretation of the ending
Just ended the show
So it’s been a while, but I think I just caught something, 6 years later
Um desafio
Argue, but I won't change my mind
Did eren have any effective choice but the rumbling?
How can I stop saying the n word?
If your life was split into RDR2 chapters, which chapter would you be in right now?
I Just Finished The Game For the First Time And I Think Those People Who Defend Micah's Actions Are on Crack
What Happened To Him? Wrong Answers Only
Guide to take to Hart
Rate my customized Schofield.
My Arthur is a goddamn menace
which horse breed is your favorite and what did you name it?
Is talent even real? if the anwser is Yes, I dont have talent for basketball
I was curious and decided to ask the reddit. Do you let him live an old sad man, having watched his legacy burn before him, or do you shoot him the second you can knowing another man like him has been taken from this world?