I've been busy! Some collars I've made in the last year (There's a LOT of them!)
Another deal from the Devil….
How important is it that your politics aligns with your partners?
Half of MAGA fuming right now.
Young LGBT Family - Welcome?
Social Security office just laughed and hung up
U.S. cost of ICD replacement with insurance
Are there any apps which completely destroy the system?
Bring it on Mother Nature 🥶
My S24 Ultra takes horrible pictures any way to fix it?
What's the Oldest Server You're Still Maintaining?why does it still work
The attorney I work for told me to go ahead and apply for another job after asking for a raise…..?
why camera is soo bad on this phone?
The camera amazes me everytime.
S24 slipped out my pocket!
My pharmacy just screwed me over
Pacemaker age?
Upper and Lower Chest Pain, Hernia?
You're offered a yes or no deal. If you say yes, you're transported back to the year 2002 with your current memories and body, but for one week you're suspected of being complicit in the 9/11 attacks and are "interrogated" at Guantanamo Bay.
2022 Kia Soul Attempted Theft, No Start with Key
Trump Appoints Brendan Carr, Net Neutrality Opponent, as FCC Chairman
Google Fi
Other than Attorney Dan Newlin, what other local businesses are ultra MAGA?
Smart watches