AIO for being upset with my boyfriend?
Meanwhile, in the family group chat…
Ouija in a video game
how many minutes until you're sending this kid to the office?
Popular middle school boys in 2025 starterpack
Admin asked, “What is one thing we can do this spring that would immediately make a positive impact on our campus culture and climate?”
What has been the most healing/post-Mormon belief or realization you have experienced?
Dear mormon church HOWWW tf are u this stupid? Are you trying to destroy your organization? You take cult to the next level of delusional.
Got an email reminder: Relief Society is a safe space… from critical thinking.
Grandparents found out I’m done
Missionaries stopped by and disrespected my Pride flag
I never got to choose to become mormon…
Who’s this dude (wrong answer only)
So this ring dropped for me...
My TBM mom just told me that she raised me to know JS was a polygamist and that he translated from a hat.
4 x 80 divines giveaway (next 8 hours of posting)
Uh oh, Brig looks pissed.
Missionary basically told me if I was more Christlike and set a better example (and had Jesus pics up) my son wouldn’t be waffling on baptism as much.
Omg it dropped!!!
My favorite reminder that Bednar is an asshole and a piece of shit. Nogod forbid any missionary be human.
Church delivers intent to sue Town of Fairview
An old friend randomly sent me this message yesterday, and I’m not sure how to respond.
New Second Coming Hype is real: This is cringe on so many Levels
The fact that people still doubt Rodney Terry blows my mind
Creative response ideas for declining a calling? I'm PIMO and attend Church for my spouse. Welcoming any suggestions from very spicy to polite. I don't care if I offend them.