Offering for Hecate during yule
Getting answers from the universe.
Question! Help! How do I know if the spirit in my house is family?
Karna pishachini
Babu the fish
Me and my dog
Psychic reading
Movies based on mediumship and psychic ability
I love my boyfriend of 5 years, and I would never want to hurt him…but I want to leave because he makes no money as a struggling artist and I’m 39 wanting to have kids.
Cat psychic reading
Candle wax reading
What happens to the spirit of animals that aren’t our pets?
Reading abt my spouse
Psychic and medium movies
crystal ?
Anyone who knows how to read candles?
What was your most profound spiritual experience?
what should I do with offerings post ritual?
This is more of a question for those who have really honed on their skills...