660 x 10
55 years old. 405 btm 700 top
F23 Rate Me Please
Mermeladas y conservas Tatito
Problema vecinal
Nunca habia visto esta bestia de mantecol
Rate me I know it's not the best photo but that's the point
PLEASE nerf miner
Who wind this and why?
360kg (793lbs) Deadlift
You are now Neji Hyuga and you want to become Kage Level, what do you do?
Ante la posible quiebra de la marca de comida rápida PolloStop. ¿Tienen alguna opinión con respecto a sus productos o comida?
Can you please give me the fInal move? Something went wrong when i gave the cube to my son…
Asuma Beats Zabuza … Why Do Yall Think Otherwise ?
How many total cards are we all sitting at right now?
FEBRUARY GIVEAWAY - $50 SpeedCubeShop Credit
Duda sobre Boxeo
Co worker wanted to watch me solve before I closed from work
What 3 diamond decks do you use to win battle tasks?
Worst mode to ever exist
Soy un Personal Trainer con más de 6 años de experiencia - Dejenme sus Consultas
Epic comeback after almost losing
Friend asked me what was the most impressive thing I did in a competition and I just don’t know what would be considered the most impressive. I know for a lot of you none of this is impressive, but if you would pick one, what would it be?
260 bench.
3800 Pulled