My forever a work in progress dining room is starting to feel cozy
ഇതിനെ ഒക്കെ എന്താണ് പറയേണ്ടത് 🤮
How do you stay hopeful when everything's going wrong?
How big is you dream
Obviously orange
Meet Peppen.
Customer and Restaurant staff over they served Non-Veg food to Jain Family, Raipur CG
How is that our Ubers are clean?
Does anyone here miss Mushkoon?
Ahaana's statement on the Nancy Rani controversy
ചൂടുകാലമായിട്ടും കരിക്കിന്റെ ഒരു വിവരവും ഇല്ലല്ലോ 🥺
Caught in a dilemma
How to decline a dinner with an acquaintance?
ആർക്കെങ്കിലും അറിയാമോ
31M 30F - Now marriage is only about staying in same flat
Ahaana’s Post
This is Barbie. Today she turns 14!
Best restaurants serving veg food?
Why are the styles of spoken malayalam called slangs and not accents?
My collection.This is my dream library setup come true
When your time is bad nothing good happens
Adopted her at Christmas and I think she’s happy here
opinion on 2 min of highlights at the start of every ytube interview these days
My family thinks that I(27F) should get married to this guy(34) even tho I didn't find him attractive they feel if it gets more late then I might not have good opinions left.
Diya looks Fantastic in her new pic. Including me I wasn't a fan of her wedding look. Ahaana could be punching the air RN