Uric Acid
recurring dreams about my ex (driving me nuts)
Kitchenaid hand mixer vs the real deal
Where to find kings cake ?
February was plentiful, what finds stick out the most?
will prob get roasted for this…
Easy lunch ideas for picky eater
PLEASE tell me there's nothing wrong with having a huge collection as an adult.
Hoodie my mom made me
Good self help books for finding yourself again, maybe even for anxiety/ocd/depression
i know we all hate when this happens
Best Way to Sell a Lot of Clothes Without the Hassle of Listing Individually?
Old merch
First post, my most recent thrift/op shop haul. $2 each.
The list, not arranged just by tier
Did your wardrobe explode too after you started thrifting?
have any of you guys ever done this?
Reply with a record you think no one else on this sub has!
What was the first $b track you ever heard?
CD player recs & question
Breakfast ideas?
Men of Reddit, what’s the male equivalent of stockings that instantly elevate a man’s look and make him look great?
Found this CD signed by Matt Sharp (of Weezer). Is it worth anything?
Do you let your pets near your plushies?
New Girl - The dress Prince gave to Jess